Brimex 3822 Nematodes Steinernema 50 million / against Fern-redug
3822 Nematodes Steinernema 50 million / against Fern-redug

3822 Nematodes Steinernema 50 million / against Fern-redug

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Nematodes Steinernema 50 million / against Fern mug

In stock (500)
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Product description

The fern rouwmug is a 5 mm large, black fly. Usually occurs in large numbers and lays her eggs in potting soil.The 5mm large, white translucent larvae survive in potting soil and affect the root system of the plant. Germs are also often transmitted. Due to the aging damage to the roots, the plant leaves hang and the plant can even wither completely.

The nematodes Steinernema against the fern rouw mosquito are eels that are not visible to the eye,
which seek out the larvae of the fern rouw mosquito in the potting soil and penetrate, causing a bacteriumWhich kills the larva of the fern mourning mosquito.

The aaltjes also lay their eggs in the larva of the fern mourning mosquito. From a minimum potting soil temperature of 13°C, the aaltjes are optimally active. The antals are in a clay substanceDelivered, which must be dissolved in +/-20 liters of water and then poured into the ground.


Product information
Brand Brimex
Article code 3822
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